
Freerain is Easterine Kire’s latest poetry collection. Gentle and thoughtful, these carefully crafted poems evoke many different emotions – joy, wonder, nostalgia, loss and hope. Many of the poems are written in Northern Norway and speak of the changing moods of nature and the stark beauty of the North. The Hindu says this about the volume:

«As much as Freerain is about stillness, a sense of flux seems to be the central act in this soulful archiving of the world around us. Seasons change. Birds arrive, only to migrate further. Memory withers. Rain plays havoc with April. Dead people turn into stars. Moonlight sloshes the streets. A tree in July arches towards the sea. Paddy birds bring morning on their wings. Dead leaves gather in October. Splotches of old pink and dark peach form winter light. And through it all, humans go about their lives, trying to find their place in a breakable, bewildering world.»

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